Thursday, December 08, 2005

new tinfish chapbook


Greetings from cloudy Hawai`i....

Please distribute this message far and wide!

I'm pleased to announce publication of _When the Plug Gets Unplugged_, by Kim Hyesoon, translated by Don Mee Choi. Kim Hyesoon is one of the most prominent poets in South Korea, and Don Mee Choi lives in Seattle where she translates the work of Korean women poets. Chapbook design by Mike Cueva.

These are poems about rats, spoken by rats. From "This Night":

A rat
devours a sleeping white rabbit
Dark blood spills out of the rabbit cage
A rat devours a piglet that has fallen into a pot of porridge

. . .

A rat devours the new baby in the cradle
Mommy has gone to the restaurant to wash dishes
A rat slips in and out of a freshly buried corpse

Anyone who gets this message can buy the chapbook for $8 from Tinfish Press, 47-728 Hui Kelu Street #9, Kaneohe, HI 96744.

Now at the printer is Barbara Jane Reyes's much anticipated volume, _Poeta en San Francisco_, so stay posted.

aloha, Susan, Tinfish Editor

PS Remember that rat books make fine holiday gifts.

Susan M. Schultz
Department of English
University of Hawai`i-Manoa
Honolulu, HI 96822

1 comment:

Mitch said...

Thanks. You now have this song running through my head.