Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Still no love from McSweeney's

Rejected. Again. If I was spending more than about three minutes on these things, my ego might actually be suffering.

Here's the list that McSweeney's rejected:

Geographical anomalies in Johnny Cash's "Folsom Prison Blues"

1) If he's stuck in a California prison, how exactly does he know the train goes to "San Antone"?

2) Why is he in jail in California and not Nevada if he "shot a man in Reno just to watch him die"?


Mitch said...

The jail record of Johnny Cash, here:


Has Johnny Cash ever spend time in jail? According to Johnny Cash in his own Biography’s he has stated that he did spend a few brief times over night in Jail, but never spent anytime in jail at Folsom Prison or San Quentin, "only concerts there".

Not that I was taking the song as being really literal or anything. Mostly, I was just throwing some things in the general direction of McSweeney's to see if they stuck.

They didn't.

Jennifer Stewart said...

Yeah, there's a line in Walk the Line that Johnny's dad says, after he gets arrested for possession (his only real stint in jail, other than sobering up stuff, to the effect of "Now you won't have to work so hard to make people think you've been to prison." He wasn't quite the rebel people thought he was. He was no angel either though. The Carter Family Fold, or the Carter homeplace, is not far from where I live. My best friend's dad, a former airline pilot, met him several times at our local, little bitty airport. He tells interesting stories of Johnny Cash arriving at the airport, drunk as a skunk and broke. He says he'd get there like that and then go sit outside in the sun on the little hill adn sleep it off till June broke down and sent someone to pick him up.

For anyone that hasn't seen the movie, I highly recommend it. Cash fan or not. Joaquin Phoenix freaked me out in the movie he was so much like Cash. Even the way he moved his eyes....